Research at the Lally School spans traditional and interdisciplinary areas including financial technology, supply chain analytics, data-driven decision-making, and digitization and transformation of the industry.
Lally Research Seminars

Dean’s Seminar Series
This series feature prominent external speakers with expertise in one of the topics related to the Rensselaer signature research thrusts, including financial technology, supply chain analytics, and digitalization and transformation.

Lally Research Seminar Series
These seminars will attract prominent and emerging scholars working in research domains aligned with Lally research directions to engage Lally faculty and doctoral students.
Research examines the opportunities and problems that arise from data — from modeling and mitigating risk to countering or perpetuating biases.
Research explores how businesses, including those in fields such as health care, financial services, and manufacturing, are evolving and staying competitive in an increasingly digital business landscape.
Research explores businesses operate and behave in the digital world — from examining how companies adapt their organizational structure to assessing the value of technology and human capital investments.
Research focuses on combating the adverse ethical consequences that arise from leveraging new technologies, including online platforms, social media, AI, algorithms, and more.
Centers of Excellence
At Lally, we believe in taking the educational experience beyond the classroom, harnessing the power of industry and research, and bringing it to the marketplace. Through our Centers of Excellence, we are defining the future of business.

Severino Center for Technological Entrepreneurship
Helps students innovate and commercialize their ideas through an array of valuable networking opportunities and programs led by experienced entrepreneurs.

Center for Research toward Advancing Financial Technologies (CRAFT)
Explores risks and unintended consequences of the emerging and unknown challenges facing the high-tech financial services industry.

Center for Supply Networks and Analytics
Advances research and education in supply chain management and business analytics targeted at both academic and managerial audiences.

Center for Ethics in the Management of Emerging Technologies
Meets the challenge of uncharted ethical and moral dilemmas springing from emerging technologies.