Research Interests
The world of work is changing, words like Future of Work or Industry 4.0 are part of the business jargon, and COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated this predicted change, as a result I'm interested in doing research on how telecommuting has been managed by companies, and its effects on teams and individuals, how teams (nationally and internationally based) will be able to adjust to future job demands, and how organizations (and its leaders) will be able to retrain and reskill their employees, particularly an aging population, and adapt to this fluid and ever changing reality.
Prior Education
B.A in Education, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile (Mar 2009)
Master in HRM & Organizational Behavior Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago (Jan 2017)
Personal Information
I'm a husband, father of three (Pedro, Magdalena and Josefina) I love outdoors, movies and music. I'm a part-time musician (bass guitar) and I have an alternative rock band, called Gran Capitals. We've played in several venues and we even have some video clips and music in YouTube.
Why RPI?
RPI is well known for its significant contribution to Innovation and Technology, and if I wanted to learn the necessary skills to conduct high quality research in my chosen field, this was a great place to be.